
  By today, many have probably already pulled out their coats, brought a new hat, and maybe some gloves. Am I right? This morning I was almost late, not because of a train or bus, not even traffic. It was because I was so warm and comfortable in my bed. I was out cold forgetting I had to work today. Its the best feeling in the world to feel like a baby in a warm swaddle blanket. Of course as a grow up we have to get out of our comfort zone and trail into the cold and make that money. I made a stop at  Starbucks even though I was five minutes late but I knew if I was gonna make it through this day the only thing that would help is a nice hot coffee from one of my favorite places to get the right coffee for your mood. My mood was a medium roast kind of coffee. I actually ran into an old friend of mines it was great seeing her she wanted to know how my boys were and how I was and I tried to update her all while she was pouring my coffee. Its crazy living in New York because life is so fast. I was reading the Daily News site and it mentioned Rihanna and how she talked about how this year was overwhelming. I totally agree with her and she apologized for not being around as much. Believe me, I am the same way. I apologize to most of my friends and family because even though I would like to pause and take off or take time to go see someone its harder then people make it seem. I can barely keep up with my children and my husband. I feel bad but life is passing faster and faster seeing my friend in Starbucks made me think the time was too fast. I haven't seen her in a month and she is just a block from my job. I know "why don't I stop by more often"? Because even stopping over to Starbucks is Overwhelming with time. Do you feel like this as well?
Anyway thanks for listening to my stories and next time you run into an old friend don't be a Foam about it and take a second to drink your coffee before the story gets cold. 



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