The struggling Mom

Good evening my coffee Lovers,

The last two days I have been dealing with my son and his tooth issue that should have been fixed along time ago but no Dentist wanted to touch him. It is because he is very scared of pain and the dentist. I have been to an ER last night and today went to my dentist and they couldn't help him. I also called three different dentists and they said no because of insurance. My son's teeth had to be fixed like a year ago. I feel so overwhelmed and emotional because as a mom all I want to do is make sure my boy is fine. He is finally eight years old and he has a bit more encouragement then he did before so I am trying to make sure he gets over many roller coasters and this one is a big one.

As a parent,we have too many struggles whether its money, discipline even bullying. I have been through that allot with my older boy. That was a big struggle that will be for another day. I know many parents have their own struggles and it is so hard to deal with. When it comes to our babies no matter what age they are we worry constantly about their health about how the world will treat them. Even though we fight for them every chance we can, we have no idea when we leave them in school when they leave us to go to college, their first job we have to let them be adults but until then we must struggle to protect them any way possible. 

I think a big struggle with parents, we don't like to dicuss much is being the breadwinner for the family.We want to be able to not only keep a roof over thier heads but also give our children what they crave whether it is the coolest toys to the best eletronics money can buy.This day and age is hard because being overworked takes allot of energy,which also takes away the bonds as a parent to child. Even though we overwork ourselves for our children sometimes it may not be something our children are happy with our absent  even if we think its for the best.

Yes, we know struggling is a part of life, but do we have to like it?
What do you think coffee lovers?
Until our next conversation, I would love to hear your struggles as a parent and see if i am not alone on this.
Latte you later!



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