The working mom

Hello coffee lovers,

I hope you all had great new years and I am pretty sure you woke up wanting to drink a red-eye or hardcore americano after the night you had.
So today I want to not so much as a complaint but more like discuss a working mom.
 I myself am a working mom I don't work as many others do I work about 26 hours a week and 4 days a week. Now, in all honesty,
 I like working but cannot because my children still need me after school.

 I do enjoy that they still need me even if I need more hours but lucky for me I have a husband who takes care of the big things such as rent.
 Now I know many of you woman do not have the luxury and have to work many hours come home late hours and most likey your time with your children are limited.
I think about the past and how a woman had to have a clean home, food on the table and kids cleaned before their husband came home.
Like it was the only way to live and you couldn't even think for yourself, he thought for you. Nowadays there is still a good percentage that thinks this way and it saddens me. 
As a mom and an employee plus a wife, it takes a lot out of us but when we ask men to do what we do all the time it's too much and we have to clean up for the things he did not finish. 
Men don't realize the struggle we have within ourselves to want to not clean up,
not wanting to wake up and go to work and get paid less to work harder or wanting to cook for them but if we didn't what would our homes look like, our kid's dress or act like.

The working woman, no matter how tired they have to make sure their home is home even is the man pays for the roof over their head. 
To those who take care of the kids and keep the home clean so their wives know they have the support, I applaud you. 
Being a woman is hard enough having babies and not perfect bodies, going to work and feeling bad for not being a full-time mom. 
We need help, don't you think we deserve it? I know this seems as though as I am attacking the male species but I am more trying
to open their eyes to see that if you loved us paying just bills are just not enough we need to know you are fully committed to helping to be a dad 
and a husband as well.

Though this conversation was deep, I see love, and all the support I get from all sexes and if you want to discuss anything I will be here to listen
and converse with you any way possible.
what is your outtake on the working woman?

until next time put a cap--puccino in it.
while I expresso my life away


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