In dependence

Hello Coffee Lovers,

 Hello guys i know its been a minute since we chatted. I been dealing with grown up  life and we all know how hard that is. I hope everyone been enjoying there coffees while i been gone.  I have to need to try new coffees but i must admit wasting money on a drink i don't like is not easy, but i say try new things, just be cautious.

So today we are discussing people who rely on others way more then they should,In dependence. I have seen it so many times in my life and had to experience what its like as well. I know you must be think ''why can't rely on others?" but i am not saying  that not to rely on people i am saying sometimes you must realize you loos your independence  little by little when you are over  relying on others.

I have seen when people say they want to be independence but can't but in my head is saying can't or won't? I know its easier when you have help but don't you feel ashamed a bit how you run to someone or overly call someone to say help or i need a favor? 

Some people like to feel needed, and i see why you think being so dependent in someone can make your life easier. I guess you can say i am depend on my coffee to keep me up but in all honestly do we really need it,no we just want it.

I have been in a position where i help people and then i think they learn their lesson and they don't. Which leads them to come to me again because they expect me to help them with their lives and to make it better. I don't think relying on someone else to make your life better is healthy. Think about it this way you loan someone money who has no job, now you hoping they take that  money to get a  job and will no longer need your money but no,instead they use your money and then ask again for more money knowing you will give it to them because you want to help them in their time in need. That person does not see you like you think they do  but  ore like its easier this way and i won't have to get a job because no matter what they will help me.

I read on the internet like your doing now with my work that it can be like an disease and its called D.P.D which is short for (Dependent Personality Disorder). Google it its very interesting makes you think. It shows how you can be so dependent to the point decisions as easy on what meat to pick up is difficult for you because you feel other people telling you what you want is better then what you decide. Its in your head that what you  think or feel may be wrong. I also read that its seen more in woman than it is in men,come on woman time to step up your game!

Its insane to hear but many people go through this and maybe they have no idea that they have this problem.Ask them three questions or your self and if you answer yes  or to all o f them you may have it.Then you take time to you accept it and then try and change for the better. Try to not ask for help for minors things then work your way up and see how different it feels and how satisfying being independent is.

1) Do you struggle to make everyday decisions and need help from others often?

2) Do you feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone? Is it because you fear you are not able to take care of yourself?

3)Do you feel fear being in a conversation with two other people because what you say or think may not good enough?

If yes to all of these questions, research and try to see if you can try to make yourself independent on your own if you cannot not and want to try then you seek help that will help you in the long run.

Now that we had our conversation  and coffee is gone,
Until next time, i see you latte!



  1. Up to now i answer no to all 3 question. Its very interesting and feel for anyine with this condition. The problem is people wont go get help.

    1. i think its because they feel as though they don't think its a problem and it is.The first step is realizing you have a problem just like anything else.


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