When is a good time to have "The Talk"

Hello coffee lovers,

I know the last conversation we had was for the mothers but this time around I want to talk to all parents, mom, and dads. Dad gets your red-eye drinks and moms it time for an americano. This time is a time to read, pay attention and hopefully learn a thing or two.

We all go through a time when our kids get older and have questions that may be hard to answer. We worry because of their age and we want them to stay our babies. We must admit that we are all afraid of the day where we have to talk about sex or their sexuality to our children. Most of you probably had this talk and it didn't go as planned if it did, I am happy to hear it. 

How about the ones who refuse to talk to their kids about it and they go elsewhere for advice? I didn't really grow up to have that conversation and I learned it in ways that are not conventional for someone my age to find out. I wished I had that conversation, even if it would have been uncomfortable. Of course, timing is everything. I also suggest having an open mind, parents must have, if you are close-minded it will be harder for these kids to open up to you.

I brought this conversation up because children these days are doing stuff in such an early time, trying to become adults before they finished learning how to be a child. I suggest we start thinking about this kind of talk sooner than later. We have to educate them. It is a serious matter to the point if we do maybe we will prevent fewer kids from having kids. Our babies and their bodies are changing and feeling things they have never felt before. It is our duty to let them know its fine and natural to feel these ways.

For boys you want them to know that when a girl says no, you don't go any further or convince them that, yet they said no they really mean yes. For girls, we have to not only tell them they do not need to sleep with anyone just to get someone to like you. Our boys need the talk about condoms and girls to need appointments to the GYN before they even go any further. If they have questions they don't want to ask their parents GYNs are awesome for that.

When children are approaching puberty, it tends to go in all sorts of ways. We have to keep up and talk to our children even is it starts off in little conversations to see where their head is before going into the deep conversation. Most children and yes, I call them children because the generation is getting younger and has so much peer pressure to feel cool is around.
Kids’ curiosity gets bigger and bigger, these kids learn so quickly we have to keep an eye on them, even more, these days. Be sure to even try and speak calmly so they know you are listening and not just getting angry. They need to feel that they can open up to you or they will fully close. What they are feeling is really healthy and you need them to feel that way. Guide them on the right path and if you can not prevent it from happing just make sure everything is being done for their health and that all us as parents can do. A word of advice saying our kids won't have sex until you say so is not going to stop them from doing it. We all know when a child hears no from us they want to do it more.

This was a must-have conversation and I hope you guys understood want i meant in it. We need to be strong and guide our children on the right path not to try and block it but let them know their choices.
Until next time put a Cap-puccino in it.



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