School closed for the rest of year?

Good morning Coffe Lovers, How are you guys doing since the huge academic craziness happening? I can tell you something I have upgraded how much coffee I drink a day from two til like three depending on my day. I even have gone from drinking coffee some days to drinking mimosas don't worry not at work. I guess I been going through it and mimosa does help sometimes. Don't worry I have a limit of two drinks. All the world is struggling in all sorts of ways and we are just trying to stay afloat and it's so hard. I want to do stuff to help but still a loss on how to bring that kind money together is not something I have to allot of getting mask and gloves for hospitals was my first idea but again harder then it seems when you only make enough for nills and family. I wanted to do sandwiches and stuff but it seems and their people have that handled as well. It's hard to want to do something and not know what o do to make this world better. I only have my wor...