"I can't breath!" Protest

Hello coffee lovers,

Everyone has been on high alert lately and I am not just talking about the double espresso. This year has been hard on many of us and we have lost so many lives over these few months. When I say losing lives I am not just talking about COVID, I am talking about the abuse of many that lead to losing lives. Believe it or not from police department members themselves.

I believe and this is only my opinion is that fear is getting to us all. We are all reacting in ways that we should have been thinking twice about. Am I making an excuse for the police, nope? I think abuse of any kind form anybody is very awful altogether.

Today I saw a video that was I can only assume a rally from my fellow African Americans in Minneapolis.  There was a rally there because they are tired of the abuse and the cruelty against them. They are loosing more and more lives just trying to breathe in the area of where they live.

 This rally was based on a gentleman named Goerge Floyd. This man was falsely accused of forged documents at Cup Foods. He was being held down by police officers and because of the attempt of holding him down his life was lost. Yet the police department members were fired, so many people feel unsafe and upset. We have always known there were problems when it comes to police officers, sometimes we find crooked cops, but even the these days crooked all different races they all seem to just react in ways we wish we never have seen. I think more training has to happen especially when approaching the community when one is obeying your rules.

The beginning of the rally was pretty peaceful and somehow as time went by the peacefulness became overall loud on both sides. Police and the people, I think there was so much anger in many voices and they wanted to know the police know they were beyond and the police as always got scared because they did not know how to handle the situation. Like many rallies before them, things were shattered, words were yelled and smoke was thrown. But the questions remain "Did anyone really hear the cry of the souls that were lost because of police brutality? "

Maybe, but did they care?

Until next time keep the expressos coming!☕☕☕☕

#Goerge Floyd








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