
Hello, coffee Lovers,
I know its been awhile since i wrote anything at all but i had to come back to my coffee lovers to discuss this movie everyone has an issue with.
I hope you have your espresso ready because i need you guys to soak in what we are about to talk about.
This morning i was in the car listening to the radio and how disgusted these people were with this movie. They mentioned it was about young girls who were acting too provocatively for their age.
Of cousre i had to see it for myself.
So i took time to watch itt and analyze it as much as i can.
Yes, it was hard to watch these girls act like that and dress like that but i saw the real story towards it.
This young girl missed her dad because he was never around and when he comes back, he is with another woman he is to be married to.
In certain cultures things like this happen  and the older wife has to basically deal with it as is. As for a young girl who still can't concept the fact this is happeneing acts out as much teenagers do.
The only friends she made were acting older then they were. Which if you think about it, who has not done this before.
The only thing was this young female was taking it a bit to far and her emotions got the best of her.
Many people Complained how girls should not act like that and i agree but if you are not fully paying attention and seeing why they are the way the are, how can you judge.Many young people are doing the same thing in this day and age and we can blame tiktok,Instagram or anything else on these websites or we can blame us for not paying enough attention because we are worried about our own stuff.
I know many people will say negative things about what i am saying but i am being Realistic.Our children need us and more now then ever.
All i ask as a parent talk more to your children don't judge how they think but be more accepting and let them know you are there no matter what.
Overall  it was hard to see but i saw the story behind it and so should you before you judge it just by certain details.
Well i hope i did not stop you from drinking your caffeine but made you think before you speak.

Until next time see you latte☕☕☕☕
#coffeelovers #younggirls
#parents #life 
#biggerpicture #blogger
#netflix #cuties


  1. Hi Vanessa!

    Its Lucy! I have to agree with you. People took this movie so out of context. Yes they sexualized girls, but guess what? Lifetime Channel has had BRING IT which is girls kind of closely dancing like the girls in C.u.t.i.e.s No one has ever complained about those real life girls that are dancing (in my opinion) way too ahead of their age. And no one has complained of it for the last 5 years. Oh but a movie with actors that is fictional offends everyone and their mom. The moral of the story I think wS what you stated, to stay close to our children so we can help them out in their times of needs, this behavior was screaming "please pay attention to my feelings" and if people didn't grasp that, then I guess they just didn't get it. Loved your blog! You have a new follower 😃


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