Want to make friends?

Hello coffee lovers,

I hope all my coffee  Lovers ready to pay attention  and maybe make a friend today...or tomorrow.

Today we are going to get a new drink, something we normally do not get but is coffee based.I think we are going to try a new brew they have in Dunkin.“Chocolate Stout Cold Brew” combines chocolate and what Dunkin calls a “malty molasses flavor.”  I am hoping it's worth it but we will never know until we try.

Trying new things or  doing new things is what I want to  talk to you about today.

Since the world has been turned upside down since last year we have had trouble making friends because we are afraid  of so much that we forget people need a friend to feel as though they are not alone tni this world.

I recently tried something different to  get out of my circle by signing up for an app that I thought was for dating and for friendship. Which was just looking for friendship.Sad to say it was a waste and i gave it a couple days but they didn't give me much and to talk you had to pay, yet it says it was a free app.

I was trying something new to see what's out there. Now you know I  took time to go out there and make a step. I suggest you do the same. Of course mine was not a success. I was tired. I will find another way to make more but it was my first time looking elsewhere that was not in my circle. 

I want you guys to maybe go to a coffee shop and say hello see if that leads to friendship  even if it is the person making your coffee. We never know these days where our friend shops will be but it will come if you stay open minded.

Making friends at this time is good yet people may think otherwise but  as long as you stay to the health guidelines you should be fine. I suggest you talk more on video or emails or even messengers. And as I learned, be careful of  the sites you do find your friends on because it's the right thing to do.

If you start with a hello it's the safest bet and throughout time you will find out what their interest is and you can tell if that is the kind of friendship you are looking for.

As much fun i am having discussing this with you my coffee has run out and i must go so until our next conversation see you Latte!☕☕☕









  1. Very well said never be afraid to step out of our comfort zone there so many amazing things waiting for us


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