Are you trying to find your purpose in life?

Hello coffee Lovers,


Days are getting Hotter and hotter and days are looking bright. Cold coffee lover we are saluting  you all for drinking the cold coffee I myself cannot drink cold coffee.

Today we are discussing those who seem lost or are trying to find themselves. This Is a everyday conversation that people have and still have trouble with and get stuck in the fork in the road. 

We all want a purpose in life. A handful of people we know may know what road they want to take but there are alot of other people  still trying to figure it out. Some go down the wrong road hoping going down any road will guide them somewhere but it does not.Instead it makes it worse.

It took me a long time to try and find me ,well let me be honest I knew who i was and lost my way as time went by.   I led a life that wanted me to be what they wanted me to be and I followed that rule for a pretty long time. But one day I woke up and   realized this is not m e and I can't try to be this person.

Here is some advice or steps that may help you a bit in your journey:

  1. Try and Explore the Things You Love To Do : What I mean by that is   think about What Comes Easy to You. Do you like to cook, Or clean or even sing?  So many people do things that they are unhappy with and yet you may be getting good money. You might be there but your mind is someone else. Think about not quitting what you have but have a side hustle until you become something bigger  or ready to leave your job.

  2. Write down yourself a purpose statement . Something that says  I will find myself by doing A-B-C- and D. If you seem lost about it, think about how you want your life to be in the future. Some may say my mission is to learn to play an instrument or another one will be  my mission is to go back to school. It doesn't have to be extreme but it has to be what you want to see or be or have for yourself. No one else can do this statement but you can because you're telling yourself the truth. 

  3. Talk to someone could be a fridge could be someone you meet at a coffee shop..Hint” HInt’. Sometimes you have to hear from someone else to realize your potential because we are too scared to find out if we have any or not. 

These are simple things to help you find yourself to help you slowly realize  why you belong in this world. And yes i a Why instead of if because you do. Just have to open your eyes , your heart and your mind to it.

Well this conversation really took me into when I first found myself again. Ihope you find yourself too. Until next time see you Latte.☕☕

#coffeelovers #forkintheroad

#life  #findyourself  #iseeyou





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