How do you rekindle a long time relationship?
Hello coffee Lovers,
Today we are going to try a medium roast coffee to compromise with my hubby and not drink anything too hard. Those are little things you can do to rekindle your relationship.It may seem little but knowing that you are listening helps.
I know many people have been with their mates for a long time. Many people start at an early age and get comfortable with their relationship and stay together for years. We all get comfortable in a long term relationship where things are not exciting as they used to be.
You find yourself laughing at jokes you heard a billion times out of habit. You see yourself being ok to be in the same room but on phones all day talking to others instead of each other.
I know it's hard being that you know everything the other one is gonna do or say or act but if you want to keep the hope or your love alive.
For example, me and my hubby work alot and it's hard because we have different schedules.
Like days I work he has two days off and we manage to give each other time by him driving me to work in the morning because the time is 20-25 minutes .We can talk about things and still have some time with each other. When heisi off and I work we go for a drink after even if it's a 1 drink we try to make a mone of just us and it helps a bit. Are there going to be fireworks like it was in the past to be honest no but it makes a difference.
We all have such a busy life just trying to survive to pay bills that we forgot how to enjoy our life. Enjoy each other because before you know it life is over and you want to be in this world saying at least i was loved or i loved.
Some relationships feel as though they are broken. Most of the time it can be fixed but again it is based on both parties.
Here are 5 ways to rekindlement ideas for your relationship if you want to rekindle relationship:
1)Take two days out of the month just for you two:
Our lives are crazy already and doing dates every week might not be as exciting as doing it twice. More to talk about.
2) Write notes:
Get little yellow sticky notes, write notes that complement each other and leave them in places that they may see change up places to keep it exciting. They are cute and it shows the other partner that you still notice them. You do not have to do it everyday. It is also easy and fast to do even while getting ready for work.
3) Make something in the kitchen:
For them, the thought of something they would love to eat or their favorite sweets can really make them happy and we want to keep our mates happy. You can do it once a week to keep them interstate, not the same things change it up from time to time.Sometimes to get the heart jumping pumping just a little.
4) Find a show :
Find a show you both can be instredt and try to watch it once a week together so you both have something to talk about other than work and bills.It's something you guys can relate to and you guys can get time to cuddle and just watch something interesting.
Yes I know you were expecting more stronger advice on how to rekindle but these do work if you take time to try and do them. For those who have more than rekindling to do, I suggest counseling or get advice from someone who knows you and can help you.
Well I hope what we discussed today helps a bit and hopefully that coffee souves you for at least a few.
Until next conversation i'll see you Latte
#rekindle #coffeelovers
#life #relationships
#love #bloggers
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