Are you ready to have those Moments and keep those memories?
Hello coffee lovers,
Today, call or text your parents today and ask them for a day out for coffee. To those who lost any of their parents please forgive me. And have one for them instead of a coffee drink they did enjoy while in this world.
I say this because many of us have busy lives and let's be honest, making time for our parents is hard. I see my dad maybe once or twice a year. Most of the time it's for a sad reason which I prefer it not be. Either way I would take lots of time off or spend time with the weekend.
I try to spend as much time as I can with him. At the same time I try to bring my sisters together to join us. It gives us memories and monete we can take with us because once they leave this world that's all we have left. My mom passed away when i was so young that my memories were limited. Were they perfect parents of course not. I don’t know if anyone is “perfect”. But they were my parents or are my parents. I take them for all they are or are not. It made me stronger and I learned lessons and that's the point of it all, learn from your mistakes and try to do better after learning what you/they did wrong.
Some things you must admit are unforgivable by all means you know what is best for your life,your life at least i hope. I learned forgiving is best for me because having a hole in your heart, having that feeling of you should have or I didn't get to say i still love them. Forgiving them is not for them, it is for you to be able to say I did what I can in this world with my parents and if it does not go well you can still close that chapter. All it takes is a cup of coffee or even tea,and depending on how grown you are, maybe some wine. To either open up a new chapter or close a chapter and move on with life
Our parents have a limited amount of time in this world, sometimes sooner than we would like and we should enjoy or try to mend broken or in other words unfinished chapters. If you are far away and you cannot meet, we have so many resources like zoom, facetime,and even Duo. Take a minute to say hello and you were thinking of them. Let me say no matter how old you are you can take time to talk to them in this world before you are talking to them in the next but speak to them because everyone needs to know they are not alone in this crazy world.
Until next time, have a cup of joe.and catch you Latte.
#cupofjoe #forgiveness #bloggers
#parents #life #lifelessons #coffeelovers
So true. Luckily I have a good relationship with my parents and it has gotten even better since I have had kids because they have come out to Nebraska more (I understand and don't hold it against them). My mom and I have gotten in disagreements whether it be politics, choices for my family/kids, etc. Nothing that lingers and is long lasting but enough to where it burns at the moment and I know I was too harsh/ should apologize Advice a wise person once told me that I now better understand with having kids, "an argument that a parent and child has, the child always has the upper hand because its always a double edged sword for the parent. They want the best for you, love you unconditionally and just get sad when you drift farther and farther away, which is why more 0-60 arguments happen when you get older because you're thinking for yourself. So it has made me think to (just like with my wife) pick my battles, sometimes just smile and nod, you don't always need the last word and to chime in your perspective.