Do you know someone with Autism spectrum disorder(ASD)
Good Morning coffee Lovers,
Today I heard some news from a stranger that really made me angry and sad. So today I have to have a double shot of espresso to keep me going.
There was a person that would tell you about what had to do with his son . He was at University of Utah family housing where he was discriminated against for being austic he was denied being unable to use family housing. I am not sure the actual details but dipsite of the situation one should . He was thrown out the streets and his dad has been trying to help him get a place.
Many people don’t know but according to there are over 10,000 that have Autism. Now most people should know what Autism is but I will explain to you if you do not.
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication.
Signs of Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) are: problems with social, emotional, and communication skills.
Autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today. The symptoms are present from early childhood and affect daily functioning.
Now that we have had a small lesson on what ASD is ,let's think about it this way. If a shy person or person who has problems expressing their feelings has trouble talking or controlling their own feelings. Can you imagine someone with ASD?
They have trouble with so much like talking or listening to loud noises.They also have Repetition in language or movement, such as repeating the same word or sounds, hand flapping, or any repeated movement. Now I am not saying they are not all good but I am saying that if a person has trouble with just behaving.
Yet it is hard but they do survive with a bit of help and support. Even Wentworth Miller, a famous actor for “Prison break” has autism and yet there are hard times they are still able to make it through the world.
So when I see things like people misbehaving with people who cannot control how they react or talk or move.It makes me so sad. Some of them don’t feel like anything is wrong with them and some wish they didn't have to worry about anything they deal with.
Life is hard and you may know someone or you are someone who has Autism and we all need help,we all need understanding not rejection.
Down below i have the link to the person who is trying to help his son get help.
Please check out and share. He also made a book below about teaching your child to cook.
Well into next time I will talk to Latte.
#autism #life #coffeelovers #help #gofundme #children #bloggers
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