Do you have abandon issues?

Hello coffee Lovers, I hope you have something strong to drink today,first of all because it's only the middle of the week and next we are gonna realize some things today.I recently heard some news that made me well emotional. Not a sad thing but it made me think I may have abandoned issues. I think I know it but realized it way late in my game. So I just want you guys to ask yourself a couple of questions to realize if you have it or not. Here are some question to ask yourself:
1)Do you Have a Hard Time Letting People In? LIke friends or family,telling them how you feel when you are going through stuff? 2)You are Detache, because it is easier than getting hurt? 3)Are you Clingy, when you do let someone in? 4)Difficulty Feeling Love, rather be numb, because it's easier than feeling? 5)You are Controlling,because it's something you can see coming? 6) You are Sensitive, when it comes to people having issues with you and get emotional? 7)Weak boundaries,because you let your family,friends,mates, do whatever so they will not leave you, or keep you near? 8)Negative Core Beliefs, because it helps you think if they are leaving,there is a reason why and it cannot be all good? These are just a few things that maybe you should think about,most likely if you said "Yes" to most of them you may have these issues. There are many more to ask but i did not want to go in too deep.Let a therapist help you with that one. Abandonment issues in relationships can surface when a significant relationship in your life fails to meet your physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs. I am guessing my hard past has led me to be this way and it still affects me today. Yet it still has some cracks in the mirror but I can still see myself. Now Healing abandonment issues is much harder than it seems. I have yet to learn it completely but do try. Ask yourself what scares you? Is it worse that it didn't go as planned? If you see it's not a bad thing try and Evaluate Your Self-Esteem because that's where it all comes down too.What you think about yourself. You can live without people; it just takes longer to heal than most people to realize it. I think about it for like 24 hours and then cry about it within that time.then i am back to just doing what i must to survive with or without people.Change is also hard so tak eit one step at a time. I do also know these are some Signs Of Fear Of Abandonment as well that may help: A)High levels of generalized anxiety B)Low self-esteem C)Depression/low mood D)Constantly feeling criticized E)Flashbacks to previous abandonment experiences E)Feeling out of control of your own life F)Putting yourself down G)Loneliness H)Obsessively imagining scenarios of abandonment I)Attraction to people who appear to be rejecting J)Feeling uncomfortable in social contexts and make jokes around it This is hard to get over but realize you are worthy to be loved and cared for. If someone does leave you there will be other people who will come to you and love you harder. Don't give up and know your worth and you will survive.
There is a site you can check out if you need more help then i can give. Hopefully you have your eyes wide open from this conversation and until the next conversation see you Latte. #Self-Esteem #Abandonment #abandonmentissues #healing #coffeelovers #loneliness


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