How often does Attempting kidnapping children happen?

Hello Coffee Lovers, I know I have been away for a second, I will apologize to my readers. I have been working on my book which is coming out hopefully soon. Now let's have a conversation. Get your chairs and coffee ready. It's about to get deep.. This conversation is a bit hard for me but, I think we should have a discussion. Lately I have been noticing on the news and different platforms that so many children are getting kidnapped or there have been attempts more than enough times . Which scares me as a parent and must scare all of you parents out there as well. I also feel so much for these parents who have been through that. I cannot mentally deal with that at all. There were two recent attempted kidnappings. One was in broad daylight with a mother who was holding her 3 children. They grabbed one and ran. leaving the other two and mother behind. I am assuming they thought the mom had three. She will not take a chance on me by taking one because she is busy with the other two and can’t run fast. But she did go after the thief and so did two other gentlemen who happened to witness it happening and ran after him and got the child back. Main reasons for kidnapping Child kidnappings fall into three general types: 1) abductions by parents or family members; 2) stranger abductions by men for monetary ransom or physical exploitation and abuse; 3) children abducted by women who intend to keep and raise them as their own.
In this world every day that passes gets carie. According there are 8 million children reported missing each year worldwide. That is a scary thought. Lets not talk about the facts that in some places its fine to be with a minor,like its not child rape. According to in June 2021 the remains of 761 children have been found in a mass grave on the site of a former Indigenous boarding school in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. It's just getting worse and worse and you think you do everything right to keep your child safe and you just never know. Things that you can keep in mind when you have a child. Have I'D-like photos taken of your kids every 6 months and have them fingerprinted. Many local police departments sponsor fingerprinting programs. Keep your kids' medical and dental records up to date. Make online safety a priority. The Internet is a great tool, but it's also a place for predators to stalk kids. I know these days they have wristbands that have a GPS on it to try to have your child wear one everyday. Talk to them about keeping close to you while you're walking and if they are traveling with someone else, look around on where you are and remember things around you. Do not follow strangers who say they have games or candy. Help them realize not everyone is a friend. I know these things like that may either feel like not much or maybe a bit overwhelming but we have to look at this realistically and worry about not only your children but if you see other children in trouble as well maybe get involved somehow. If you don’t want to approach, you may want to at least remember details like car models or what person looks like to give to the police. Anything you can help before we lose another child would help other parents and save a child’s life. Until our next conversation, talk to you Latte. #kidnapping #children #parents #help #coffeelovers #bloggers #readers


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