Cancer Awareness Month, we all need support

Hello coffee lovers, I hope all is well.Most us know what month is but some do not. Maybe because they are busy or maybe they have other things going on in their lives. It is cancer awareness Month. This month is very hard for many. I know just coming up to this month it must hurt your heart fully. Some people you lose and some are still fighting and if you're lucky some made it through and survived it. Did you know Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States? Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death,and that is accounting for 24% of all cancer deaths.
The First Documented Case of Cancer is the world's oldest documented case of cancer hails from ancient Egypt in 1500 BC. The details were recorded on papyrus, documenting eight cases of tumors occurring on the breast. It was treated by cauterization, which destroyed tissue with a hot instrument called "the fire drill." The Edwin Smith Papyrus was written (possibly a fragmentary copy of a text from 2500 BC) and contains a description of cancer, as well as a procedure to remove breast tumours by cauterization. The world has dealt with this so long that nowadays it is sad to say but almost seems too common when we hear that someone may have cancer. I have heard that the medication gives you more sickness than the actual sickness itself. I also know that many prefer not to take meds at all.They rather not lose hair or become more sick. I understand that fully but I also do not want to leave the world early. It's a lose,lose situation for me. There are 5 cancers that humans deal with which are: Lung cancer Colorectal cancer Pancreatic cancer Breast cancer Prostate cancer It's sad but one cancer can spread to become another. I know a few people who beat cancer but every time it is close to the appointment where they have to take a test again to be sure it did not come back,it's full of stress for them over and over again. I feel for you all. I know as well that there are couples that go through stress and argue because they feel as though their partner does not know what they are really going through. Which is honestly true we do not know but we wish we could help. So many couples do not make it through their relationship because of such things which makes me sad but it's true. Some actually come out stronger and it's amazing that no matter what they have someone who no matter how hard it got they are there. If i had to give any advice and mind you i am not a doctor i would say: Take Time to Prepare Yourself mentally and physically . Process your own feelings beforehand so you can really focus on doing what you can. Learning that a friend or partner that has cancer can be difficult news to hear. Find the right support system for you and for them. I know they have a place and site that can help you. Those who have it and those who don’t and do not know how to process your feelings like one should. Here are a few below to help those who need it: 24/7 Cancer Helpline I know these conversations get hard and harder as we go through them but if we do not talk about them, who would? Until our next conversation I will talk to you in a cappuccino minute. #CancerAwarenessmonth #cancer #support # Help #conversations #bloggers #coffeelovers #blogs #process


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