
Showing posts from January, 2022

‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

Hello Coffee lovers, I think it’s time for a red eye coffee from Starbucks. For those who do not know what a the “Red Eye” from the Starbucks Secret Menu is a regular coffee (iced or hot) with ONE shot of Espresso added. I may be late hearing this news and it shocked me more then I thought it would. A Florida House committee on Thursday passed a bill seeking to ban discussions of sexuality and gender identity in school classrooms, which LGBTQ+ advocates say will effectively “erase” LGBTQ+ history, culture, and students. According to as for the bill, parents may take legal action against their child’s school district and be awarded damages if they believe any of its policies infringe on their “fundamental right to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children.” This is basically stating that if the word gay or anything within that school is heard they want the teachers to out their children or want children to out other children to the teacher. I...

Can you be an Introvert and still like being around people?

Hello Coffee lovers, This weather has been a bit crazy huh guys. I bet its hard to even go out and get yourself a cup of coffee. I bet many of you are uber eating it or door dashing your drinks. I bet many of the introverts’ love this because they rather not have to deal with people. At least my sons prefer it that way. Talking about introverts for those who do not know what that is let me explain: What is an introverted person like? An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, max. And an Extrovert is: Extroverts are typically described as being outgoing, fun-loving, friendly, and talkative. In contrast, introverts are characterized as being reserved, withdrawn, and introspective with small social circles. As I been reading some can be both. Can you be b...

Is your child Emotional Eating?

Hello coffee lovers, How was everyone’s New Years? I know the last year was opening eyes about couples and relationships. This year I want to focus more of what we see or do not see about our children. So, the next few weeks I will be focusing on our children and what we can do to make their loves better, even if it’s just a little bit. I know that when the pandemic hit our children’s habits of going out or even exercising went out the window. My son went from talking a little bit to not talking at all. He changed his whole dream to be a math teacher to being a game designer. I know that yet we been through allot as parents, like loosing jobs or losing loved ones that we were too busy in hour own feelings that we forgot to see how our children are doing. I am not saying all parents but some parent I am one tend to forget they feel things just as much as we are, but they react differently then us. Today we are talking about teenagers or children in general overeating to deal with t...