Is your child Emotional Eating?

Hello coffee lovers, How was everyone’s New Years? I know the last year was opening eyes about couples and relationships. This year I want to focus more of what we see or do not see about our children. So, the next few weeks I will be focusing on our children and what we can do to make their loves better, even if it’s just a little bit. I know that when the pandemic hit our children’s habits of going out or even exercising went out the window. My son went from talking a little bit to not talking at all. He changed his whole dream to be a math teacher to being a game designer. I know that yet we been through allot as parents, like loosing jobs or losing loved ones that we were too busy in hour own feelings that we forgot to see how our children are doing. I am not saying all parents but some parent I am one tend to forget they feel things just as much as we are, but they react differently then us.
Today we are talking about teenagers or children in general overeating to deal with their emotions that they are dealing with inside. Overeating is one of the way people cope with their problems. Adults normally drink or something of that matter when teenagers find different ways to cope. Over the couple of years with the pandemic I don’t if you realize but your child is gaining weigh and not just a little bit. They grew more then 2 sizes big. Now lets just get this straight there are many reasons your child can be overeating like for example my younger one since the pandemic his appetite has grown. He is only 10 years old, and he already weighs 110 pounds. Many parents would hide their faults of themselves or their children, but I am one that I want to know I am as normal as can be and want to know parents you are not alone. My son gets bored fast. He is always what I would call a kid on 10. Meaning he is always hyper, and he always needs to be entertained somehow. Now why I mentioned him being bored is when he is bored, he automatically goes into the fridge and tries to find out to nibble on even If say a slice of cheese. Boredom is one of the things that make children or teenagers want to eat because its better then being bored. In their head anyway. Here is a list of things that can cause overeating so you are aware of what your child could be causing it: • Boredom • Insecurity • Anger • Depression • Loneliness • Happiness • Stress • Fatigue • Frustration • Resentment All these to us seem simple enough to get over but in a teenager, mind can make it seem like the hardest part of their life. If you think about it, you were a teenager in one time. I had moments in my life that I thought I would never get over and now as an adult it was silly to even think the way I thought. We as parents talk as parents to our children or don’t talk at all but is it the way to help them be more open to tell you what’s bothering them. I think about it as though think when I was a teenager and what I would have wanted to hear yet still be firm about making sure you want what’s best for them. Here some things to maybe think about to stop the overeating process a bit: 1) Avoid rewarding them with food Children think it’s a reward so when they eat at any other time, they still feel like its award, and it make them feel good. That’s not want we want. 2) Watch how you speak with your children Yet this seems simple enough but what we say can trigger our children to eat more because they cannot express how they feel. We want to be firm but know they are loved and cared for. 3) Keep your kids busy If your kids are busy doing the chores you asked to be done or if give them fun things to do while you are at work or busy doing something it can keep their minds busy. So, food is not on the mind. 4) Rely on routines Making sure they have breakfast lunch and dinner around the same time. It keeps ricks the mind knowing when to be hungry. If they have a set time their body gets used to doing the same. 5) Avoid putting your child on a diet. Many people think putting their child on a diet is going to help but when we are not looking, they tend to eat or hide food in the rooms. Because they know they are not supposed to eat. Try just limited the food and keep other things then cake and cookies laying around. If you want, you can switch normal sugared stuff to sugar free. Most of the time they eat them anyway even if they do not taste the same. Little things changes can help without working to hard. Using the word diet will not work with them. 6) Do something with them once or twice a week Something that is not based on food, like a walk or maybe taking them to do fun stuff like mini golf or something that keeps their body moving for a bit. It can be a ward to them instead of food. It can also be great memories your child will have for the future. Am I an expert on how to control your child I am not but it does help to think of ways that can help just a bit. For example, I am older, and I cannot not run around as much but I do buy nerf guns to have the family run around the house and play with each other. which keep them busy and happy at the same time. Let show the kids or young adults that you care without changing their lives completely. Let me know how it goes if you do anything on the list. Or leave a comment with more advice. I am all for it. If this did not helping there are other ways to get help as well. Like: Well until next conversation I hope to see you Lattee. #bloogers #readers #life #children #overeating #coffelovers #teens #health #dobetter


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