Bride walked down the aisle by a man who received her father’s donated heart.

Hello coffee lovers, Today's conversation should make you want to get a nice sweet coffee because of the sweetness of this story I have read. It was so cute and emotional for me,because I am an emotional person. I thought you guys can read and know about it too. So according to CNN and NYtimes. There was a father who was a organ donor, that was murdered 10 years ago. Despite what happened, his heart was still available to donate. Now it is beating in the chest of Arthur Thomas who has walked the bride, Jeni Stepien the father who donated his heart’s daughter. He walked her down the aisle and gave her away. In the decade since Thomas received Stepien's heart, the two families had kept in touch through letters, gifts and calls.
People ask me why I am a donner and this is why because if i leave this world i want to be able to give something of me to a person who is missing that one thing to feel whole. I know many people will not agree to it. I just feel I have things I can give. I can give it all the way to the end or after if you think about it. I think it's great that this daughter, who I am sure, dealt with a lot of emotions, not only losing her father but having her father leave the world before he was supposed to. I think it's great that the person who received his heart took it upon himself to show how grateful he was but keeping in touch with his family. I am pretty sure his family was grateful as well to have a piece of him still around. When someone is Receiving an organ it can become a life-changing event for these people. It can also help a family work through the grieving process and deal with their loss by knowing their loved one is helping save the lives of others. Here are some thoughts that will make you think twice about being a donor. It’s Quick and Easy Meaning you're just updating your Photo ID . You can do it online. It will be fast just to do. the Gift of Life Someone can really use a part of you ,when you leave this world you can keep someone longer in the world for a second chance in life. Actual Donors are Very Rare When people pass away yet there may be plenty but only healthy parts are viable to have. You may be the rare one that is able to give. It Could Be You If you were in need of a liver or whatever it may be you would want someone to be able to donate to you. Think about it that way. Might be a second chance for you as well. Think about it this way, we all need a little help and if you can help someone in the world while you are not in it.maybe that is something you might want to do. I hope that this does convince you and like the gentleman who had someone's heart you can also change someone's life for the better. Until the next conversation, talk to you latte. #DONORS #BLOGGERS #dmv #COFFELOVERS #LIFE #LIFEAFTERDEATH #SAVEALIFE


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