Can a broken relationship be fixed again?

Hello coffee lovers, Ist getting hotter and you think relationships will be getting better,because of the trip and great weather. But this is the time we get most break ups. I know this sounds crazy but during the summer time is what they now call “ thot summer” Hot Girl Summer basically. Where it's time to get out of whatever relationship they had during the cold season to enjoy and party time for summer. Is this the only reason people break up ,nope. Some people have issues they cannot seem to fix or in other words they are unsure of the problem they have at all. Some people want to fix their relationship no matter how bad it gets because they have love for eachother but the question is can a broken relationship be fixed again?
If it's a trust issue it may never be healed but it can be bearable depending on how many times the trust has been broken. If it's been broken since the get go it's harder to get over.The harder it is in the beginning the harder you have to fight to keep the couple together. Here are some things you might want to take into consideration to help you fix what's broken in your relationship. Accept that there is damage in the relationship Accepting It's the first step you have to look and see there is something wrong and should believe there is something that is broken. Be honest Talking out your feelings and being honest about how happy you are can help you a lot. Just being honest to your mate they might want to help fix what the problem is or help you move on from what is bothering you. Initiate dialogue Start talking about it even when they don’t want to. Because starting the conversation may lead to a better outcome and can help you both.They might be scared to mention it so go and talk first if you feel it will help. Go over how to fix a relationship that is broken. Figure out little things that can happen like talking to your partner when something is bothering you. Or maybe you might need counseling. Little things that can help it better than not facing issues at all and then the relationship gets worse. State your intentions clearly. When talking sometimes you get all mixed up on old issues but at the end of conversation you still don’t know where you stand in the relationship. If this talk is to break up then make that clear if the talk is to fix what's wrong and make it work then make that clear. Practice active listening Yes parties may have a lot to say but one must be quiet so the other one has a chance to be heard. If you can't hear what your partner is saying you won’t know what the issue they have and it will never be fixed. One or both of you are willing to make an effort: That means if both of you are willing to fix it then it's a great start but if only one of you is trying to fix something it takes to fix. It will never be fixed. Find out if its too late to save relationship: If you feel resentment and disconnection growing, that's the time to take real action together. And figure out if it is worth saving or if you are better off alone. There are plenty of couples that have issues, some can make it and others fail but not because they didn’t try because sometimes it was just too late and too much crack to even bother. If there are more negative things on your list then positive then you have to open your eyes,either fix it or go on your own and find your own happiness. They will do the same. Can a relationship be fixed again?” Of course,but are you willing to really fix it,or are you just hoping it fixes on its own? Don’t waste your time. We don't have much time in this world to be mrisable. Be happy and learn to smile again Until our next conversion, talk to you Latte. #relationships #lovecanbefixed #listen #couples #broken # brokenrelationships readers #coffeelovers


  1. Thank you best for this topic of choice. THis was very powerful and definitely a conversation that's needs to be had and this is for any relationship. We as people have to have them hard conversations and see if it's worth fixing or not,

  2. I love this , it really explains alot. Good job.


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