Coping with your children going to college

Good morning coffee lovers, I know you have a lot going on preparing your children for the prom and so on but today i want you to think about what the children are feeling or coping with the fact that they are going off to college for the first time ever.It time to bring out something like Salted Caramel Signature Latte because yet some of this conversation is going to be salty it will have some sweetness in the end. Dealing with your teenager going away is a big deal especially when being the actual teeneger. There are so many moves to make when thinking about college. LIke for example does your child know what field they want to go into. Does the grades thehave will be able to make a difference to get into the college or field they need to get into. All of these things can make a teenager and a parent nervous. Yet they are in the beginning of their young adult life they are still children and get scared as so. Some children work harder because they really want to make it in the world or at least down the aisle with a cap and gown.
How to emotionally prepare your child (and yourself) for college: Talk about strategies to manage uncomfortable emotions. There are going to be a lot of emotions on not only you but your child must talk about them so they know how you feel and how they feel. Talking helps, so if you need to just let it out of need help you two will have each other. Encourage taking positive action toward each other. Let them know every movie is for a positive reason. Knowing every move they make its for the best for their life. Boost their confidence to stand their ground Sometimes it gets hard and they won't give up but keep them going and remind them why they are doing this in the first place. Be prepared to listen. Teengers want to be heard without being judged or us angry at them for having these feelings. Many children feel nervous going into a new school,starting a new chapter. They need our support. Even if they do not make it to that chapter where you expect it to be, you must let them know no matter what they choose, you love them and you will support them to the fullest. Some children need to learn and do things on their own but we will be in the background just in case they need us because that's what we do or should do. No matter what happens in the next couple of months you both must stay strong and do what's best for you. The rest will fall in when it's time. Let your chidlren be children and their time will come to be an adult just stay as positive as possible your children will thank you. Until the next conversation I will talk to you guys latte. #bloggers #college #teenagers #ready #coffeelovers #latte #parents #new chapter #bestrong #readers #life


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