Hurricane Ian the aftermath

Hello coffee lovers, Today thinking about what the world went through last week with Hurricane Ian it is hard to take in. Especially for those who actually were in places like Puerto Rico and North Carolina and Cuba and florida. There are at least billions of damage and many deaths. It killed over 100 people and not even talking about how many injuries. Many people are still trying to find their loved one and the search continues till this day.
To know that you gave everything you had into your homes, to know you lost I can guess very important papers, saddens me and scares me from moving to these places. I couldn’t even imagine what it takes t o get back to normal and how long. To give up and let go of all you accpolihed to have a roof over your head be gone. It just blows my mind. This storm was as bad or more than sandy and i remember that one because it is Puerto rico as well and i was in NYC and i was across the street from a park a that knocked down serval trees. Me and my kids when the rain and storm stopped went outside just in shock and we are in NYC so we were still standing but i remember thinking if it's this bad here i can only imagine these islands. I am pretty sure those who lost their home and important stuff not including their memories are overwhelmed with many emotions and they will be traumatized for longtime. I feel for all the victims and I am sorry for all the lives taken but mother nature. She can be so harsh sometimes,it's insane, As for all the places they hit it will take a long time to bring anything back to normal like power or all those things that have broken a-parts like house and car etc will take years to rebuild and clean up. It will take the mayor to really put billions from these places to raise money enough to do all that work.according to Biden Promises Recovery for what has happened but it might take villages to make those work. I assume and hope all hands will be in to make things normal again. Again my heart goes out to all the families and hope soon things will get better. To those who lost their lives I hope you rest in peace. Until our next conversation talk to you Latte☕ #coffelovers #bloggers #converstainos #startover #Biden #HurricaneIantheaftermath #stormian #helpianvictims #aftermath


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