
Showing posts from 2023

Do we really want to be alone?

Hello Coffee Lovers, Through the years , holidays ,birthdays, and gatherings. Just about the entire nation is going through emotions, some emotions are life changing. So I ask all of you, do we really want to be alone? When it comes to holidays, birthdays, and other things that make you sad, for instance, like not being able to provide for your family. Absence from your loved ones, that are no longer with us. It makes life unbearable , with emotions that take control of your mind and body. According to many people , they say they are happier being alone, I disagree with that. I can’t imagine life without my family, husband,or my children. Being alone is a travesty. So I ask again, do we really want to be alone ? It has been said by a multitude of people that being alone doesn't really have many perks. Like, for instance, no one being able to tell you what to do or think. In reality, we all need someone in our lives, if we don’t, you will have many challenge...

Do you remember being a child?

Hello coffee lovers, I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend because of Columbus day.I took time to try new coffee and new sugar flavored cube. Very interesting. Today I want to take us back ,our memories of being a child. How we wanted to be loved by our parents or how we thought our children should treat us. Get your hot coffee or lattes ready to bring it back in time. Many times as parents we are putting our foot down. Many of us grew up faster than we wanted to act older but as we became older it's not as great as we wish. So as we put our foot down as an adult we forgot how it is to be a child. We forgot that all children learn in different ways. React in different ways. Yes children make it difficult, never say it doesn't. I think that we should remember what it was like to be a child and what we wished the harshness wasn’t so hard. Or maybe wish we were around our parents more. Some of us had too many siblings and others did not have enough.They were the only chil...

What were you obsessed with when you were a child?

Good morning coffee lovers, I hope everyone had a great weekend and is trying their best to be happy. While drinking my coffee with french vanilla coffee i had some stuff on my mind that made me happy. Since we are talking about happiness. Do you ever just think about when you were young and things that made you happy when you were young? Let's go back to somethings that made us so happy that we became obsessed with it. I had two which is funny because one of them I really don’t care for now. My first one was a barbie. It was an ice skating barbie and my aunt brought it for me. It had a carry around closet which had three outfits. It also had two other pairs of shoes plus the ice skates.I will say this, i was not much of a one to play with barbies but something about this one had my interest. Maybe because it was different from the other ones,i’m guessing. My other one is older than time. It was the trolls dolls action figures. Some had gems in their chest with different colors...

What do we do with all the Rapists, Murders and Pedophiles?

Hello coffee Lovers, I hope you have something strong because this conversation is really gonna make you want something strong and I mean like an espresso. Lately we all have noticed that there are more of these people around and could it be that they got off from good behavior or did the jails need space for the new ones to stroll in? The one question in everyone;s head is do we want them in our neighborhood, or in other words can they really live in our society as regular people? I honestly tried in my head what can we do with them? I had ideas how they should all live in one land area but then i thought how would that help.Putting such people all together will be worse? Or having them around us would be better? In Long Island people are fighting to not have such people in their area because they are worried and scared. We must all admit it, we have all the reason and right to feel this way but what do we do with them? I know they have programs and they have a small perce...

Is depression, anxiety and mood swings caused by money issues?

Hello coffee lovers, I am back after a summer break. I know who breaks as a writer? Well there are things that writers go through that can affect writing and i rather give you my all then something half passed. I noticed my lack of writing was connected my lack of inspiration. I think it was because the money issues I was dealing with really did affect me.I know many people wouldn't mention their financial issues but this time around it was a tough summer. As time went by i wasn’t my happy lucky self and well i did less and barely even wrote. I realized that having finances can affect one’s inspiration in a whole way. Whether it be causing depression, anxiety and different mood swings that were not there before you had these money issues. According to “If you constantly find yourself consumed with how much money you have (or don't) and how you're going to keep a roof over your head, get to work, and possibly feed your family, t...

What Is Causing Canadian Wildfires? How can we prevent it?

Hello coffee lovers, I know it's been awhile but i have been working on my new book coming up soon i hope. I really have been drinking lots of coffee to keep up with the news lately. Of course everyone is worried about the wildfires in Canada, which they should be. It's scary and many people are getting sick. Yet we know about it let's go into the facts of how these wildfires happen. How do wildfires start? When it comes down to things like these it can be two main things. It can be heat waves that get too high and apparently thunder strikes. According to the wildfire started with half of Canada's wildfires being started by lightning. But it did not stop there; the weather was at a higher temperature than normal. Mother nature took her own course to where we are today. How do we fight mother nature? The man made fires can hopefully become more aware of what we are doing and have a small chance of stopping them but mother nature is someth...

A shooting in Texas 5 dead

Dear coffee lovers, I am sorry to have this conversation, but it must be discussed. A neighbor in Cleveland Texas goes over to the next house because they were being a bit loud because he was shooting out rounds, and their child was trying to sleep. The man replied instead of trying to be proper he responded back with something of “I can do what I want.” The father, not paying attention to the neighbor and his rude ways, went back home and just went about his day to make sure his family would be able to sleep. The neighbor who was making noise, Francisco Oropeza decided to later on stroll over to the house and somehow walks in the house and tries to execute the whole family. You can tell this man had no remorse. He killed most of them in the head and one victim was only age 8. Only two survived because they were shielded by their mom. They were also children as well. Yet he has yet to be caught i hope he gets caught soon before we lose more lives I was so angry with this. How...

Ariana Grande talks about her body on TikTok

Hello coffee lovers, As I am here drinking my coffee, just a homemade medium coffee with French vanilla cream and I noticed a message that really made me really think. Arianna Grande talked about her weight on TikTok. It made me think about how often one’s weight comes up and how so many are dissatisfied with their body weight and so on. There are many men & women that are going through something traumatic, and they lose the weight or gain the weight. Some people just have a hard time gaining or losing as well. According to : estimated that 20% to 40% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies. Nevertheless, body dissatisfaction is also reported in men, suggesting that 10% to 30% of men show body dissatisfaction (33) or 69% of male adolescents to be dissatisfied with their bodies in terms of their weight (34). I, myself have issues losing it but again there are so many reasons for our weight. Some are just genetics. I think our problem today ...

They passed the house bill Jim crow law.

Hello coffee lovers, I am shotting down an expresso right now because I am so upset. For those who do not know a few days ago they restated the Jim Crow Law in Mississippi (house bill 1020). For those who do not know what the Jim crown Law is its basically the separation of black and whites. What I mean by that they are taking away voting rights, and work from black people. God knows whatever else. The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws introduced in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that enforced racial segregation, "Jim Crow" being a pejorative term for an African American.[1] Such laws remained in force until the 1960s. This pisses me off, we came so far for being where we are today. Somehow the world is going backwards. What do you think will happen? It will become worse people will fight and fight until another war comes. So many of us majority has worked so hard to get the respect and be treated equal and I think that p...

Retirement :Age going up?

Hello coffee lovers, This conversation made me want a double shot of espresso and adding cream at the same time. According to are increasing the age we get to retire to 65. It had millions of people upset and they have all the reason in the world to be. After a certain age it gets harder and if you've been working most of your life adding mage years to when you get to enjoy your life is saddening. I think it's because of the money , but I think if you worked so many years you should be able to retire after 60. Again this is my opinion but bringing it up to 65 does not help us at all. The more time we work the faster our lives are over. These days people are losing their lives before even 60 and we're expected to enjoy our lives after over half of our lives are over. Am i this age i'm not but i have parents who are over 60 and deserve to retire. I am pretty sure others feel the same as I do. They gave up sweat, te...

New Amsterdam

Hello coffee lovers, I hope you had a double epresso today or something strong. This conversation is goning to make you want to binge on a show and maybe change your life a bit. Yes i am talking aboutthe show "New Amsterdam" which is a great show with not enough recognition.To me it's a diamond in the rough. The show is about a doctor who tries to change the world one story at a time.The stories given in this show are something special and you have to take these stories for what they really are.The truth is a lot of awareness. Dr Goodwin hustles and he smiles while having his own way to help those who need to be helped. New Amsterdam, played by the main character, premiered in September 2018, on NBC now playing on Netflix about a Dr. Max Goodwin who was played by Ryan Eggold. The cast have Likable characters and are different from the normal shows you see. He works on every episode trying to make the world or at least the hospital better in little ways. Yet it...

We are no longer Stepford wives

Hello coffee Lovers, I know it's been awhile. I hope you're enjoying the new conversations that have been coming. Today I would like to talk about something I find very interesting. I am not sure if you ever heard of “The Stepford Wives" made in 2004 Charming Joanna played by (Nicole Kidman). (Bette Midler and John Lovitz were also in this movie) It Was about a hard working woman who loses her job and her family and moves to a place to get away from it all and goes to a place called stepford. Where the wives have been possessed to be a man's dream come true. Meaning cleaning obeying and giving them sex anytime they want it. The woman became a “Yes” woman anything you say woman. But the main character did not go down that easily. I mention this because I am pretty sure it was in the past. It was similar to this movie. As time went by women started speaking up for themselves and taking their lives seriously because they have thoughts and hearts and brains as...