
Showing posts from May, 2023

A shooting in Texas 5 dead

Dear coffee lovers, I am sorry to have this conversation, but it must be discussed. A neighbor in Cleveland Texas goes over to the next house because they were being a bit loud because he was shooting out rounds, and their child was trying to sleep. The man replied instead of trying to be proper he responded back with something of “I can do what I want.” The father, not paying attention to the neighbor and his rude ways, went back home and just went about his day to make sure his family would be able to sleep. The neighbor who was making noise, Francisco Oropeza decided to later on stroll over to the house and somehow walks in the house and tries to execute the whole family. You can tell this man had no remorse. He killed most of them in the head and one victim was only age 8. Only two survived because they were shielded by their mom. They were also children as well. Yet he has yet to be caught i hope he gets caught soon before we lose more lives I was so angry with this. How...