What were you obsessed with when you were a child?

Good morning coffee lovers, I hope everyone had a great weekend and is trying their best to be happy. While drinking my coffee with french vanilla coffee i had some stuff on my mind that made me happy. Since we are talking about happiness. Do you ever just think about when you were young and things that made you happy when you were young? Let's go back to somethings that made us so happy that we became obsessed with it. I had two which is funny because one of them I really don’t care for now. My first one was a barbie. It was an ice skating barbie and my aunt brought it for me. It had a carry around closet which had three outfits. It also had two other pairs of shoes plus the ice skates.I will say this, i was not much of a one to play with barbies but something about this one had my interest. Maybe because it was different from the other ones,i’m guessing. My other one is older than time. It was the trolls dolls action figures. Some had gems in their chest with different colors...