What do we do with all the Rapists, Murders and Pedophiles?

Hello coffee Lovers, I hope you have something strong because this conversation is really gonna make you want something strong and I mean like an espresso. Lately we all have noticed that there are more of these people around and could it be that they got off from good behavior or did the jails need space for the new ones to stroll in?
The one question in everyone;s head is do we want them in our neighborhood, or in other words can they really live in our society as regular people? I honestly tried in my head what can we do with them? I had ideas how they should all live in one land area but then i thought how would that help.Putting such people all together will be worse? Or having them around us would be better? In Long Island people are fighting to not have such people in their area because they are worried and scared. We must all admit it, we have all the reason and right to feel this way but what do we do with them? I know they have programs and they have a small percentage that actually change but can they be trusted can they flip a switch and become themselves again. We have more questions than answers and I know there are alot of people who are reformed or on their way to being reformed. Being able to go back into society is a huge step and not only do we have to feel comfortable but so do the people who are reformed. They have to think about not thinking about what they used to. There are really success stories but the percentage is very low and some go back to their old ways. Let me get something straight, do I believe people can change yes. But they have to want to change. A women said According to https://nysfocus.com/ “I just want to make sure that there will be no migrants, pedophiles, or criminals moving in, because that’s what I’m afraid of,” Is she wrong for feelings this way, absolutely not. We want to believe in that people has changed but we also don’t know everyone's story. Maybe they were a victim and feel as though being around will make them a victim again. I really hope they give us a chance to make a difference for good and we can trust. Tell me your opinion. I would love to hear form my readers about this.I am curious.Until then I will keep my guard up hoping we are not their next victim. Until next time talk to you lattee.
 #bloggers #readers #victims #reformprogram #lattee #coffeelovers #conversions


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