Do you remember being a child?
Hello coffee lovers,
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend because of Columbus day.I took time to try new coffee and new sugar flavored cube. Very interesting. Today I want to take us back ,our memories of being a child. How we wanted to be loved by our parents or how we thought our children should treat us. Get your hot coffee or lattes ready to bring it back in time.
Many times as parents we are putting our foot down. Many of us grew up faster than we wanted to act older but as we became older it's not as great as we wish. So as we put our foot down as an adult we forgot how it is to be a child. We forgot that all children learn in different ways. React in different ways. Yes children make it difficult, never say it doesn't. I think that we should remember what it was like to be a child and what we wished the harshness wasn’t so hard. Or maybe wish we were around our parents more. Some of us had too many siblings and others did not have enough.They were the only child. So as you get older you either have more children or less than you're used to.
I remember when I was young how I wanted to feel more love and how I wanted to hear the words “i love you”. So as I became a parent I made sure my children heard it everyday and showed that they did not just use the words.Take time to think about something you wanted as you were younger or wish you had and maybe help your child get that love or respect. Yet I do admit that many children feel privileged and maybe it could be our fault but we can put our foot down and respect them at the same time. Do you remember a time that made you feel so happy when you and your parents had a moment. Try and have a moment with your children even though it's hard. But many parents have a few kids so it may be harder. So take a day and spread it out. Monday or Tuesday can be you and your older children. You can play board games or movie night.two hours out of your crazy life to pay attention to your children fully. It helps and as they get older maybe they will talk to you more knowing you have days just you and your older child are with each other. They will feel more comfortable.I take time for my older child and we want shows together. It's our bond, our moment. It keeps us close and we talk during it. He feels he can open up to me and it's great.
As for your younger children,take a day like a Thursday or Friday if you are not busy and find something you can do and be a child with your child. It could be junk food day or children's movies. It can be playing child games. For example i bought a game i remember from my younger years called “hungry hungry hippo.” I play that with my child now. They like it. It's simple and fun and you can be loud or wild and just be a child. I also take days to read a book around my son’s age bracket. We read like three pages a day just to have our moments and we don’t force it if we are mentally tired. We do it another night but we still come back to it.
All I am saying is going back to your memories, realizing what you went through or they great memories you had. It's good for your children to remember good things and good memories. They bond better and become more open to you. I remember great moments as well going with my stepmom to Burger King. She used to eat burgers by taking edges of bread which didn’t leave much left,but now I see myself realizing I don't eat bread like that and it could stem from that. I also remember playing basketball with my dad. I love those moments. I still throw like a girl but I love playing it for fun. A real game will be too much for me these days. I recently took my dad and my sister to play some of course. My sister got us both good but she is younger with my energy.We all smiled and laughed and talked and that's what moments i meant to be.A memory a thought that makes your smile. So all I am asking of my parents is take time to have moments and memories for you and your child to remember and laugh or smile.
Until next time, talk to you latte.
#parents #memories #coffeelovers #bloggers #readers #moments #smile #live #remember #vanessaawriter
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