Eating disorders, how much do we really know about it?

Hello coffee lovers, I hope the snow is not driving you crazy and I hope you have something warm like a latte or a coffee to keep you warm. Maybe get a little something like a bagel or something to go with it. They most of the time go well together. Talking about food I want to talk about what people normally keep underwraps and secrets. Eating disorders: how much do we really know about them? What do they really look like? Are you going through it yourself and not even aware? Let's talk about the most common eating disorders that people may be aware of.
Bulimia nervosa: is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may secretly binge — eating large amounts of food with a loss of control over the eating — and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way. I know there was a show recently streaming called “Watch everything now.” When a young lady is really having a hard time but trying her best to feel normal but goes back to her old ways. It takes her friends and family to help. People who have such disorders rarely show they have it because it is about hiding what they eat or lack of. Most of it happens behind closed doors.which is a scary thought. How do we know? How do we tell? According to many things I have researched the ages range between 12- and 25. Out of 100% of cases only 10% of cases are detected. Binge Eating Disorder (BED): People with binge eating disorder often feel out of control and eat a large amount of food at one time (called a binge). Unlike other eating disorders, people who have binge eating disorder do not throw up the food or exercise too much. Binge eating disorder is a serious health problem, but people with binge eating disorder can get better with treatment. Unlike people with bulimia, the one I just discussed, people with binge eating disorder do not throw up their food, they exercise a lot, or really starve themselves. People with binge eating disorder are often overweight or obese. They want to stop but they keep eating and it's said that they are trying to eat their feelings away because food always makes them happy. Do you know that binge eating disorders affect more than 3% of women in the United States?More than half of people with binge eating disorder are women and I think it's based on what the world expects us to look like or what in our minds we should look like. These are signs that may make you aware of what if may look like: Emotional symptoms: A)Looking a bit jumpy or as though they are being watched. B) Restless as though they can’t stay still and need to constantly move,walking or running or just not being able to just sit for long. Being extra fidgety. C) Being nervous and feeling as though something bad is about to happen,even when everything seems fine. Physical symptoms: A) Most of the time they are trembling and sweating or out of breath and though they've been running. B) Sometimes they have fatigue. Wanting To rest most of the time. Always tired even though they get plenty of sleep. There are those that also have insomnia, they want to sleep but their mind is always running and have trouble or something in the back of their mind keeps them staying up and worried if they go to sleep something will go wrong. C)They also happen to have a Upset stomach, frequent urination or diarrhea. These are only two of the many eating disorders there are and we have to try and pay attention because the closest person near us can be growing through it and we will not have no clue because they have been doing it for so long that we can not tell the difference. All eating disorders may cause problems and give health problems. This is a serious problem and there I wish there was more information given in school to all students because, if they are aware of it before either teen ages. We can help many lives just by the education they receive. These disorders are recurring just like alcoholism or drugs. We have to be able not only to be aware but find a way to help even when they do not want it. According to the site 77% of children and adolescents as young as 12 dislike their bodies, and 45% say they are regularly bullied about how they look. As well as 10,200 deaths each year are the direct result of eating disorders. I may not be an excerpt in this but I hope this helps and maybe you can educate me in return. Let's find a way to help. I have site and numbers elbow to help you or someone you know.: Until our next conversation, see you latte. #coffeelovers #bloggers #gethelp #eatingdisorders #teens #Emotionalsymptoms #Bulimianervosa #BingeEatingDisorder #beaware #readers #doctors #netflix


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