When a parent loses a child. Do they become whole again?
Hello coffee Lovers,
Happy New years! I can’t believe we made it through another year and I am pretty sure it was not an easy year for many people. Talking about a tough year, lately I have been thinking about parents who lost their children. I Know this is a sensitive subject but it's something that should be discussed.
I am a parent and I wouldn't know how I would cope if my children, no matter what age, lost their lives before me. First of all, the parents going through this let me Offer sincere condolences. I am writing this so you know you are not alone and there are so many parents going through the same thing. Yet it's the hardest thing a parent will go through.
In reality I have never been through this but I have seen people who have lost children and how it can break you in ways that I wish never to feel. Let me say you are fine to feel all those feelings. I know many people try to tell you how to feel and how you have to get over it because you can not get them back but it does not hurt any less. It's a very traumatic moment for someone to lose someone they love, especially a child.
I say feel your feelings and mourn because it's better than denial and it will eventually show its ugly head. I know you will start to question your life, your beliefs and feel as if you did something wrong,but most of the time it happens even when you're the best person in the world. You Can do everything right and the world just takes away a piece of you without notice.
I know you ask why start off my year by discussing this ,but I did because many people talk about positives. I try to show the reality of things that people go through things people try not to talk about because of them feeling sad. I say the more you talk about the more you can heal will you ever be whole again? Of course not you will have a piece of you missing for the rest of your life. That child will never be replaced but you can find a way to do something that will make them smile every day. It could be a candle or if they liked music play their favorite song. Something that brings you closer in your own way to in a positive way. It will help. For those who just lost their child and are still healing it will take time and it's fine. Again you are entitled to your feelings, feel them and don’t rush but don’t give up on yourself to make sure your child knows you kept going for them despite the pain.Will you be whole again? Of coursenot but try to feel almost normal so you can go through the days trying.
This is a trauma that doesn't go away, it just hurts less. This year I would love to hear your opinion on our conversation. I know you might have something to say,or experience in these things. May your children Rest in peace and you try everyday to make it out of your bed,make it out of the house or smile when thinking of your child. Even if it's just for the moment.
As always until next conversation, talk to you Lattee.
#trauma #loosingachild #bloggers #emotional #parents #PTSD #readers #feelyourfeelings #mourn #latte
Very Heartfelt Truth XO
ReplyDeleteThank you i want to be able to have open conversation and not just me because others had their own experiences.