Is there a right way to be a parent?

Hello coffee Lovers, It's the day after Mothers day and everyone got their gifts and the most love hopefully from their children. Today I want to talk about how many people have different views on parenting. Even great couples as parents still argue about discipline or lack of. So get those Latees or icey coffe drinks and let's talk discipline.
I know me and my husband are really opposites when it comes to discipline. I am of course the one it's more linimentary because maybe my past and I let certain things slide or consider it less important to get in trouble with. As for my husband he is the one with most of the rules which i am okay with depending on the situation. Sometimes we can’t agree at all which leads to unnecessary arguments. How do we know when to fight for what you want as discipline or what is needed? I will say that many people just give up and let the other mate win that fight (war). I can say it is Impossible to predict which one wins or loses but it should always be discussed. When it comes to discipline we as parents should be listening to each other as well as being supportive.Try and encourage each other to stay on the same page as well as being creative. When you think about it, doing these things will establish a secure family and well disciplined children without making anyone feel awkward or not heard. Having a softer parent and a parent who is more disciplined helps a bit. Children need to feel as though they can talk to a parent. Think about it like the good and bad cop. Most likely you can get mor ein formation if you are the good cop or playing the good cop. We must also take into consideration that One child or more may need clear boundaries and consistency. Well the other one knows what must be done and does not need to be told anything. If we are lucky of course. I would love to hear how you and your mate discipline and does it work with your children? Until the next conversation you Lattee. #Latte #discipline #parents #life #talk #children #fyp #coffeelovers


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