Trauma: Why do we avoid it?

Hello my coffee lovers, I am here drinking a caramel latte watching a show called “Unprisoned’ and yet it's sweet. I felt a bit bitter at the bottom. That's how life is. As much as we want life to be sweet, our past trauma rears it ugly bitter head. I will admit I am a big person who chooses to see the sweetness and who tries to avoid past feelings. There are times that I may feel these feelings that I can't avoid. I feel myself ready to have tears run down my eyes but I stop them before it stops. Is this the right thing to do,of course not but that's just my way.
My past has gotten me to where I am today but I question if it was different would I be who I am today? I like who I am dipsite of holding in my feelings. I have gotten pretty far and I know or I FEEL as though I am content and happy. I am sure as though I am feeling good about the length I have gotten. I still feel as though people may think I am better than many or my partner got me to where I am. I will admit with him I have gotten far but I have gotten further because I believed I deserve more. I have gotten to be a good mom because I don't copy my past.i have a bachelor's degree because i worked hard to get and i never gave up even when it was hard. I have a better sense of being who I am despite how many have tried to change me. My thoughts about why we avoid our/my trauma because focusing on the past does not help me but being better than my past has. Doing the opposite of what I was given in life by avoiding my past trauma has gone very well for me. Many people I have spoken to say face it and you cannot avoid it.I say watch me. I am not asking you to be or do what I do because everyone copes differently. There are so many different ways of coping and many must face their past or relive it to get past it.I commend you all that you have accomplished and want you to know I care even if I don't know you. Trauma is a hard thing and most of us have it or had it,and many more who don't have it will come yet I hope not.Emotional response to the past can be overwhelming, physically or emotionally and can be threatening to the event you left behind or right in front of you now.You can process this in your own way don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, even me. Am I perfect? Am I a doctor? Nope but I do have my caramel Latte and I still have the bitter part but I am okay and happy. Are you okay with avoiding your past trauma? Or are you still living it? Until the next conversion, talk to you Latte. #latte #bloggers #past #trauma #pasttrauma #coffeelovers #family #life #readers


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