Women were restricted in so many things in the 17th century ,are we going back in time??
Hello Coffee lovers,
I hope the coffee is staying warm where you are. The weather has shocked us all in the last couple months but as much as the news. I want to discuss what I have been seeing and hearing and we need to discuss this. We are now in a point where women's rights are in the state of both progress and pushback depending how you look at it. In my opinion it is being pushed back into the beginning when we had no choice at all.
The last couple of centuries we, as women, have had more opportunities than women have ever had in the past. We have voted and have strong positions and are able to be a mother and work at the same time. We have strived to have rights throughout the years.We succeeded and it's crazy that the people who want us back in that box we fought so hard to get out of. People want us to be subordinate to men like in certain place i wish not to discuss but shutting up and be quiet also having someone to tell me what i can and cannot do with my body i refuse to do so,i want to talk more, scream more and we deserve to have a say so and i refuse to let us go back in time.
I am a writer and I chose to tell this story of a woman who is speaking up in the 17th century and the struggle of agency and justice in a time where there was none. The lack of women having such things as the legal and social power, made me want a chance to put my version of someone who wanted to fight for what she believed in. I may only have rights for free speech now but how long before it gets taken again? it doesn’t make others happy to be able to even say “NO”.
I don't want to go back and rewind time because America was not it wasn't great and they want to make it“Great Again” at that time and if we let them win it will never be great. It will be “Hate again” not only for women but so many other lives. Please if you are reading(End My Marriage:The Trial of Ana Colon) I want you to take time to read my book and comment below on your opinion and see my version of what happened in the 17th century with this strong woman who made a difference by speaking up for herself.
Until our next conversion ,see you Latte,while I still can.
To see my book my link is below:
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